
Knowledge Festival #1 – Findings and Afterthoughts

We are happy to bring you the summary for the topic “Understanding Immunity and ways of Optimizing it”. After nearly 2 years of discussion with practitioners and researchers from various health systems around the world, here are our 9 fundamental recommendations, that are not medicine or treatment oriented.

The recommendations are as follow:

  1. Having a Rhythm in Life (for getting up, eating, exercise etc.)
  2. Being aware of the food we eat (What, how, how much & how often?)
  3. Being aware of the quality of water we consume.
  4. Regular Physical activity.
  5. Mastering your breath
  6. Regular practice of Meditation
  7. Spending time in the nature outdoors
  8. Staying away from harmful habits.
  9. Serving other need before yours
  10. Regular fasting
  11. Adequate sleep
  12. Harmony in relationships
  13. Learning new skills
  14. Practice good hygiene habits.
  15. Exposure to Sunlight

Most of these recommendations needs bringing some changes in our personal life and some will require a change in the way we function as a society. These recommendations are not only to improve our immune system but to enhance our overall health and quality of life.But before conclude our report, we would like to discuss these recommendations one more time in detail.

Here are some related questions we are looking answer for to finish our study. You can answer it based on your personal, clinical or research experience. The study is open to both medical professional and public at large. Use one of the ways mentioned at the end of the list of questions.

Rhythm in Life

• Do you follow a specific rhythm in day-to-day life?
• What benefits do you observe because of this practice?
• How does a consistent daily routine benefit our physical and mental health, and what are some of the specific benefits of having regular sleep, meal, and exercise patterns?
• How can an irregular schedule disrupt our body’s natural circadian rhythm and lead to health problems, such as sleep disorders, digestive issues, and mood disorders?
• What are some of the factors that can affect our ability to maintain a regular rhythm in life, such as work schedules, social obligations, and technology use?
• How can we establish a healthy and sustainable daily routine that aligns with our personal needs and goals, and what are some of the strategies for overcoming common
obstacles to routine maintenance?
• How can we integrate principles of rhythm and routine into our daily lives, such as by practicing time management, setting priorities, and establishing healthy habits?
• How do cultural and social norms around sleep, eating, and other daily activities vary across different communities and societies, and how can we appreciate and respect
these differences while also promoting healthy behaviors?
• What are some of the long-term consequences of neglecting our body’s natural rhythms and failing to maintain a consistent routine, and how can we prevent or
address these problems?
• How can we educate and support others in developing healthy and sustainable daily routines, and what are some of the best practices for promoting positive behavior
change and habit formation?


• Are you sure that the food that you consume are organically grown? If not, what do you think we have to do move in that direction? What are main hinderances?
• What kind of food in today’s world would you advise not to consume?
• Do you grow your food? Are you aware of the source of your food?
• Are there any specific rules of eating that you practice?
• Is there any rule to how many times once should consume food?
• How can one find what kind of food is right for them?
• What has changed in our eating habits compare to last 30-40yrs?
• What are some of the factors that have influenced the nature of food we consume in today’s world, such as globalization, industrialization, and cultural changes?
• What are some of the nutritional and health implications of the current food system, such as the prevalence of processed foods, additives, and artificial ingredients?
• How is food produced and distributed in different parts of the world, and what are some of the social and environmental consequences of these practices?
• What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding food production and consumption, such as animal welfare, worker rights, and sustainable agriculture?
• How can we ensure that food is safe and free from contaminants, such as pesticides, antibiotics, and pathogens?
• What are some of the trends and innovations in the food industry, such as plant-based diets, biotechnology, and alternative protein sources?
• How can we promote healthy and sustainable food choices, both at the individual and collective levels, and what are some of the challenges and opportunities for achieving
this goal?
• What are some of the cultural and historical contexts in which food has been valued, and how have these influenced its development and perception?
• What are some of the social and economic disparities in access to healthy and nutritious food, and how can these be addressed?
• How can we integrate food policy and nutrition education into broader conversations about public health, environmental sustainability, and social justice?
• How can scientific research and innovation be used to advance our understanding of the nature of food, and how can this knowledge be translated into effective policy and
• What are some of the ongoing debates or controversies within the field of food and nutrition, such as the role of government regulation, the trade-offs between different
types of diets, and the effects of food on mental health?
• How can we balance the competing demands of affordability, convenience, taste, and nutrition when it comes to food choices?
• What are some of the risks and opportunities of emerging food technologies, such as lab-grown meat, gene editing, and precision agriculture?
• How can we ensure that food production and consumption are sustainable and equitable for future generations, and what are some of the challenges and opportunities for achieving this goal?


• What do you think is the pH of your drinking water?
• What about TDS (Total dissolved solids)? Do you think that the water you drink at home has enough necessary minerals?
• Do you have a water purifier at home?
• What is your water source?
• What are some of the potential contaminants and pollutants that can be found in drinking water, and how can these affect human health?
• What are some of the regulatory standards and guidelines for drinking water quality, both at the national and international levels?
• How is the quality of drinking water assessed and monitored, and what are some of the methods and technologies that are used?
• How does the quality of drinking water vary across different regions and populations, and what are some of the factors that can influence this?
• What are some of the health effects of exposure to different types and levels of contaminants in drinking water, such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and heavy
• What are some of the ways that drinking water quality can be improved or maintained, such as through filtration, disinfection, or source protection?
• How can drinking water quality be affected by natural disasters, climate change, or other environmental factors, and how can these be mitigated or prepared for?
• What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding drinking water quality, such as access to resources, environmental justice, and human rights?
• How can we raise awareness about the importance of drinking water quality, and what are some of the strategies that can be used to promote behavior change and public
• What are some of the trade-offs or conflicts that can arise in efforts to improve drinking water quality, such as between environmental protection and economic development?
• How can scientific research and innovation be used to advance our understanding of drinking water quality, and how can this knowledge be translated into effective policy and practice?
• What are some of the historical and cultural contexts in which drinking water quality has been valued, and how have these influenced its development and perception?
• What are some of the ongoing debates or controversies within the field of drinking water quality, such as the role of privatization, the trade-offs between different treatment methods, and the challenges of maintaining infrastructure and funding?
• How can drinking water quality be integrated into broader conversations about public health, environmental sustainability, and social equity?
• How can we ensure that future generations have access to safe and clean drinking water, and what are some of the challenges and opportunities for achieving this goal?

Physical Activities

• Do you regularly do any physical activities like sports, yoga, dancing etc.?
• How often do you practice this in a week?
• What is duration that you spend on this activity?
• Do you enjoy it?
• What benefits would you attribute to your regular physical activity?
• What prevents you from doing any physical activity?
• What are some of the physical health benefits of regular physical activity, such as cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and bone density?
• What are some of the mental health benefits of regular physical activity, such as stress reduction, improved mood, and cognitive function?
• How much physical activity is recommended for different age groups and populations, and what are some practical tips for integrating it into daily life?
• What are some of the barriers or challenges that people may encounter when trying to establish a regular physical activity routine, and how can these be addressed?
• How can physical activity be used to prevent and manage chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease?
• What are some of the physiological mechanisms that underlie the effects of physical activity on the body and brain, such as changes in hormones, neurotransmitters, and inflammation?
• How can physical activity be adapted for different populations, such as children, seniors, and people with disabilities, and what are some of the considerations for safety and effectiveness?
• What are some of the social and environmental factors that can influence physical activity behavior, such as social support, access to resources, and urban design?
• How can physical activity be used to promote social connection and community building, both in the individual and collective contexts?
• What is the relationship between physical activity and nutrition, and how can these be integrated for optimal health outcomes?
• What are some of the cultural and historical contexts in which physical activity has been valued, and how have these influenced its development and perception?
• How can physical activity be used to enhance performance in different domains, such as sports, artistic pursuits, and occupational settings?
• What are some of the ongoing debates or controversies within the field of physical activity, such as the role of high-intensity exercise, the effects of sedentary behavior, and the trade-offs between different types of activities?
• What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding physical activity, such as access to resources, individual autonomy, and social justice?
• How can we continue to advance our understanding of the potential benefits and limitations of physical activity, and how can we translate this knowledge into effective public health policies and interventions?


• Are you aware of your ability to use breathing for physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being?
• Do you practice any breathing exercises regularly
• What is pranayama, and what are some of the different types of breathing techniques that fall under this category?
• What are some of the benefits of pranayama, both in terms of physical and mental health?
• How can pranayama be integrated into a yoga practice, and what are some of the common sequences and postures?
• What are some of the physiological mechanisms that underlie the effects of pranayama, such as changes in heart rate variability and respiratory function?
• How can pranayama be used to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions, and what are some of the scientific studies that support its effectiveness?
• What are some of the contraindications or precautions that people should be aware of before practicing pranayama, and how can these be addressed safely?
• How can pranayama be adapted for different populations, such as children, seniors, and people with disabilities?
• What role does mindfulness play in pranayama, and how can it be cultivated and practiced?
• What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding pranayama and its use in healthcare and other settings?
• How can pranayama be used in conjunction with other practices, such as meditation or physical therapy, to enhance its benefits?
• What is the relationship between pranayama and traditional Indian philosophy and spirituality, and how can this be integrated into modern practices?
• How can pranayama be used to promote optimal athletic performance, such as in endurance sports or martial arts?
• What are some of the cultural and historical contexts in which pranayama has been practiced, and how have these influenced its development?
• How can pranayama be used to promote social connection and community building, both in the individual and collective contexts?
• What are some of the ongoing debates or controversies within the field of pranayama, and how can we continue to advance our understanding of its potential benefits and limitations?


• What do you know about meditation and its purpose?
• How often and how long do you meditate?
• What benefits do you attribute to your regular practice of meditation?
• What prevents you from meditating?
• What is meditation, and what are some of the different types and traditions?
• What are the benefits of meditation, both in terms of mental and physical health?
• What are some of the scientific studies that have been conducted on meditation, and what do they suggest about its effectiveness?
• How can meditation be integrated into daily life, and what are some practical tips for beginners?
• What are some of the challenges or obstacles that people may encounter when trying to establish a regular meditation practice?
• How can meditation be used to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions?
• What role does mindfulness play in meditation, and how can it be cultivated and practiced?
• What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding meditation and its use in healthcare and other settings?
• How can meditation be adapted for different populations, such as children, seniors, and people with disabilities?
• How can meditation be combined with other practices, such as yoga or tai chi, to enhance its benefits?
• What is the relationship between meditation and spirituality or religion, and how can meditation be practiced in a secular context?
• How can meditation be used to enhance creativity, focus, and productivity in work and other domains?
• What are some of the cultural and historical contexts in which meditation has been practiced, and how have these influenced its development?
• How can meditation be used to promote compassion, empathy, and social connection, both in the individual and collective contexts?
• What are some of the ongoing debates or controversies within the field of meditation, and how can we continue to advance our understanding of its potential benefits and limitations?

Outdoor Activity

• How much time in a day do you spend outside?
• What are you surrounded by most of the day?
• How often do you go to some local park or nature reserve or garden?
• Are you aware of the quality of air outside and inside the apartment and its effect on your health?
• What prevents you from going outside?
• What are the benefits of spending time in nature outdoors, and how do they vary by age, health, and lifestyle?
• How can we encourage people to spend more time in nature outdoors, and what are some barriers to doing so?
• What are the risks associated with spending time in nature outdoors, and how can we mitigate them effectively?
• How can we ensure that everyone has equal access to nature and outdoor spaces, regardless of their income, race, or geographic location?
• What are some of the challenges associated with preserving and protecting natural areas, and how can we address them effectively?
• How can we incorporate nature and outdoor experiences into educational and healthcare settings, and what are some benefits of doing so?
• What are some best practices for enjoying nature responsibly and minimizing our impact on the environment?
• How can we promote sustainability and environmental stewardship through our outdoor activities and experiences?
• What are some ways to incorporate technology and digital tools into our outdoor experiences, without detracting from the benefits of being in nature?
• How can we address the mental and physical health effects of a lack of exposure to nature, particularly in urban environments?
• How can we promote healthy and active lifestyles through outdoor recreation and nature-based activities?
• What are some of the economic benefits of outdoor recreation and tourism, and how can we balance these with the need to protect natural resources?
• How can we leverage outdoor experiences to promote social connection, community building, and civic engagement?
• What are some of the cultural and spiritual benefits of spending time in nature, and how can we acknowledge and respect these diverse perspectives?
• How can we measure the impact of our time spent in nature outdoors, both individually and collectively, and how can we use this information to improve our experiences?

Harmful Habits

• Are you addicted to anything in life?
• Can you live without it if you wish?
• What do you think people are addicted to now a day?
• What can be labelled as addiction?
• What are the specific bad habits that are commonly associated with the present generation, and how widespread are they?
• What are some of the underlying causes of these bad habits, and how do they differ from those of previous generations?
• What are the potential consequences of these bad habits on individuals and society as a whole?
• How can we promote awareness of these bad habits and encourage individuals to change their behavior?
• What are some of the challenges in changing these bad habits, and how can we address them effectively?
• How can we ensure that our efforts to address bad habits are inclusive and do not perpetuate discrimination or prejudice?
• What role do social media and technology play in promoting or exacerbating these bad habits, and how can we leverage them for positive change?
• How can we balance individual freedom and responsibility with societal expectations and norms?
• How can we support individuals who are struggling with these bad habits, and what resources are available to them?
• What are some successful interventions or programs that have been implemented to address these bad habits, and how can we learn from them?
• How can we engage and involve young people in the conversation about bad habits, and how can we empower them to be agents of change?
• How can we address the root causes of these bad habits, such as stress, anxiety, and social isolation?
• How can we shift the narrative around the present generation to focus on their strengths and positive contributions, rather than just their bad habits?
• How can we foster a culture of personal responsibility and accountability, while also acknowledging the systemic and societal factors that contribute to bad habits?
• How can we create a more supportive and compassionate society that values well￾ being and healthy habits, and how can we measure our progress towards this goal?

Others Before Oneself

• How do you identify yourself?
• Have you had the opportunity to take care of an elderly or sick person?
• What does service mean to you?
• Where do you think we as human should cooperate globally?
• What should be our core values?
• What motivates me to serve others’ needs before my own, and how does this impact my well-being?
• How can I balance serving others’ needs with taking care of my own physical and emotional health?
• What are the limits to my ability to serve others, and how can I communicate these boundaries effectively?
• What are some ways to prioritize the needs of others while still meeting my own obligations and responsibilities?
• How can I recognize when I am overextending myself and need to take a break?
• What are some strategies for maintaining a positive attitude while serving others, even when faced with challenges or setbacks?
• How can I develop empathy and compassion for those I am serving, and what are some ways to communicate effectively with them?
• How can I avoid burnout and compassion fatigue while serving others’ needs, and what are some self-care practices I can adopt?
• How can I involve others in my efforts to serve those in need, and what are some ways to build a supportive network?
• What are some ways to measure the impact of my service efforts and evaluate their effectiveness?
• How can I identify and address the root causes of the problems I am seeking to solve through service?
• What are some ethical considerations to keep in mind when serving others, and how can I ensure that my actions align with my values?
• How can I learn from the experiences of those I am serving, and what are some ways to incorporate their feedback into my service efforts?
• How can I promote long-term sustainability and self-sufficiency in the communities I am serving, rather than just providing short-term assistance?
• How can I collaborate with other service organizations and community groups to maximize the impact of my service efforts?

Exposure to Sunlight

• How long once should expose oneself to sunlight?
• When is the right time?
• How long should I spend in the sun to get the benefits of vitamin D?
• What time of day is best for sun exposure, and how does this vary by season and location?
• What type of clothing and accessories should I wear to protect myself from the sun?
• What are the signs of sunburn and skin damage, and how can I treat them?
• How can I protect my eyes from the sun, and what are the risks of UV exposure to the eyes?
• What are the risks of skin cancer associated with sun exposure, and how can I reduce my risk?
• How does my age and overall health affect my ability to tolerate sun exposure?
• How can I balance the benefits of sun exposure with the risks of skin damage and cancer?
• How can I protect myself from the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure while still enjoying outdoor activities?
• How does the altitude and climate of my location affect my sun exposure risk?
• How can I monitor and evaluate the effects of sun exposure on my skin and overall health?

Regular fasting

• Do you fast regularly?
• What do you understand by fasting?
• What do you think are the benefits of fasting?
• What is the purpose or goal of my fasting?
• How long should I fast for, and how often?
• What foods and beverages should I avoid during a fast?
• How can one handle hunger and cravings during a fast?
• How can one stay hydrated during my fast?
• How can one adjust my exercise routine during my fast?
• What are the potential benefits and risks of fasting for my specific health condition?
• How can one break a fast, and what foods should I eat to avoid digestive issues?
• How can one maintain a healthy diet during non-fasting periods to avoid nutrient deficiencies?
• How can one prepare myself mentally and emotionally for the challenges of fasting?
• When should one stop fasting and seek medical attention if one experience adverse effects

Harmony in relationships

• What is harmony in relationships, and why is it important for maintaining healthy and fulfilling connections with others?
• How can communication skills, such as active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, contribute to the development of harmonious relationships?
• What are some of the common barriers to achieving harmony in relationships, such as miscommunication, unrealistic expectations, and differences in values or priorities?
• How can we recognize and address sources of tension or conflict in our relationships, and what are some of the strategies for fostering greater understanding and cooperation among all parties involved?
• How do cultural and social factors influence our understanding of relationships and the expectations we have for ourselves and others, and how can we respect and navigate these differences to achieve greater harmony?
• How can mindfulness and self-awareness practices, such as meditation and journaling, help us cultivate a deeper understanding of our own needs and emotions, and how can this awareness contribute to healthier and more harmonious relationships?
• How do power dynamics and social hierarchies impact our relationships, and how can we work to create more equitable and inclusive connections with others?
• How can we maintain harmony in long-term relationships, such as romantic partnerships, friendships, and professional collaborations, and what are some of the strategies for preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy balance of independence and interdependence?
• What are some of the benefits of cultivating harmonious relationships, such as improved emotional wellbeing, better physical health, and greater overall life satisfaction?
• How can we teach and model the importance of harmonious relationships to future generations, and what are some of the best practices for promoting positive relationship-building skills and behaviors?

Learning new skills

• Why is it important to continue learning new skills throughout our lives, and how can this contribute to personal growth, professional development, and overall well-being?
• How do we identify which skills to learn and develop, and what are some of the strategies for setting realistic goals and measuring progress?
• How can learning new skills improve our cognitive function and brain health, and what are some of the benefits of engaging in lifelong learning?
• How can learning new skills help us adapt to changing circumstances, such as technological advancements or shifts in the job market, and how can this promote resilience and flexibility?
• How can we incorporate learning into our daily lives, and what are some of the practical strategies for balancing learning with other commitments, such as work, family, and personal hobbies?
• How do different learning styles and preferences impact our ability to acquire new skills, and what are some of the ways we can tailor our learning experiences to our individual needs and strengths?
• How can we overcome obstacles to learning, such as self-doubt, fear of failure, and time constraints, and what are some of the strategies for staying motivated and engaged?
• How do social and cultural factors impact our attitudes towards learning, and what are some of the ways we can create more supportive and inclusive learning environments?
• How can learning new skills help us contribute to our communities and make a positive impact on the world, and what are some of the ways we can use our skills and knowledge for the greater good?
• How can we inspire and support others in their own learning journeys, and what are some of the best practices for promoting a culture of lifelong learning and personal development?

Practice good hygiene habits

• What are some of the benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene habits, both for our own health and for the health of those around us?
• What are the essential components of a good personal hygiene routine, and how can we integrate these habits into our daily lives?
• How do cultural and social factors influence our understanding of personal hygiene, and what are some of the best practices for promoting good hygiene habits across diverse communities and populations?
• How can we address common barriers to maintaining good personal hygiene, such as lack of access to clean water or sanitary facilities, and what are some of the strategies for promoting greater health equity?
• How can we teach and model good hygiene habits to children and other members of our communities, and what are some of the most effective ways to promote behavior change?
• How do different health conditions and medical needs impact our personal hygiene habits, and what are some of the ways we can adapt our routines to meet these needs?
• How can good hygiene practices help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and other illnesses, and what are some of the ways we can stay informed about the latest public health recommendations?
• How can we balance the benefits of good personal hygiene with the potential environmental impacts of our hygiene practices, such as water usage and waste generation?
• How can we take care of our mental health and well-being through good personal hygiene habits, such as practicing self-care and mindfulness during hygiene routines?
• How can we foster a culture of respect and compassion around personal hygiene practices, and what are some of the ways we can support one another in maintaining healthy and hygienic habits?

To Participate:

• Support a recommendation based on your knowledge and experience (Personal, Clinical or Research).
• Add a recommendation to the list with valid points.
• Answer a question under each recommendation.
• Add a question that you think we should discuss as part of each recommendation.
• You can send us a text, audio or video to knowledge@openattempt.org / openattempt@gmail.com (You can answer more than one question)
• Best answers will be invited for our live discussion as part of Knowledge Festival 1a and will become part of our final policy making document.
• The recommendations will make its way to all Government bodies, NGOs, Corporates, policy makers and public around the globe.
• This will enable every individual especially the young generation to develop health habits at an early age to stay healthy. It will also bring emphasis to safe guarding our local environment and will urge individuals to take part in affairs that affects us as a society, to bring the necessary changes. This could be changes like a region going completely towards organic farming, revitalizing water sources, having more green covers and more.

We welcome you to be part of this study and help us make the right recommendations.

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